As part of dusting myself off and packing up my troubles in my old kit bag (smiles everyone), I've decided to compose a pro and con list about my new predicament/opportunity.
Pro- I'll have more time for housework.
Con- I'll have more time for housework.
Con- My beer budget has severely decreased.
Pro- My weight loss chances have exponentially increased due to lack of beer consumption.
Pro- I'll no longer have to look at stringy, oily hair pulled into a ragged ponytail and meant to cover a bald spot.
Con- My own hair will become stringy and oily as I'll have nowhere I am meant to be other than home.
Pro- I won't have to deal with disgruntled customers (honestly, they were few and far between other than those who complained about the aforementioned manager).
Con- I'll start talking to people in grocery store lines again due to lack of social interaction.
Con II- My teenagers are far more disgruntled than any customer. I'd like someone to gruntle them now.
Con- Paying the mortgage will be challenging if not impossible.
Pro- Appreciating the ability to once again accomplish this feat will be that much sweeter when it reoccurs. And it will reoccur, damn it.
Con- I'll miss my favorite Irish Pub, its atmosphere, and its people, those employed there and those who frequent there.
Pro- I really don't have a pro to this one, which hurts most of all. I still love that place as if it were my own and am saddened that its owners have decided to stay with a manager that drives people away more than he attracts them. Let's see... I'll save gas and vehicle wear and tear by not driving there and back. See? I can be practical when pushed into it!
That last one robbed me of the last of my inner steam so I'll leave it there.
My hopes?
That I am wrong, completely wrong, about Unpleasant Manager. That O'Donoghue's thrives like it never has before and becomes a permanent and wanted part of the North Scottsdale social scene. That all the people I have met and grown to love remember me as fondly as I will them.
I'm going back to my art business for now, I already have orders within an hour of announcing its reincarnation via Facebook . Let's make that my final "pro" and end here.
Ádh mór a chara. Beidh tú i gcuimhne i gcónaí.
Good luck my friend. You will always be remembered.
Good luck my friend. You will always be remembered.